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  • Macedonian



• 10 YEAR TAX HOLIDAY - Investors in TIDZs are entitled to 10-year profit tax exemption and to 100% reduction of personal income tax for a period of 10 years, so that the effective rate of personal income tax will amount to 0%. Investors are exempt from payment of value added tax and customs duties for goods, raw materials, equipment and machines.


• The land in the TIDZs in Macedonia is available under long-term lease for a period of up to 99 years at concessionary prices.

• Investors are exempt from paying utility taxes to the local municipality, and fees for land building permits.

• Free conection to natural gas, water and sewage network.

• Government of Republic of Macedonia may participate in construction costs of the user in the TIDZ up to EUR 500.000 depending on the number of the new employees and investment amount of the user.

• Green Customs Channel for Goods.



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